After the Versuch des South Korean Presidents Yoon Suk Yeol, the Kriegsrecht einzusetzen, hat der die zijn Gewerkschaftsverband des Landes This would be an “unconquered General Streak” and would result in a rücktritt of the Chiefs of State. You have “das Ende (signal) own power statement”, gab die 1.2 Millionen Mitglieder zählende KFTU am Mittwoch an. They claim that their presidents have an “irrational and anti-democratic mass.”

The main opposition parties have secured state support. Wenn Yoon “not very happy with the fact that the Democratic Party has an Amtsenthebungsverfahren in Overeinstimmung mit dem Willen des Volkes einleiten”this is the Mittwoch in an Erklärung. Schon zuvor hatte Parteivertreter Park Chan Dae erklärt, Yoon müsse zurücktreten.

The opposition parties can give their opinion, President Yoon Suk Yeol will have a conversation with Wollen. “We will continue to investigate the consequences”erklärte the Democratic Party (DP) in Mittwoch. These were addressed to Yoon, the Minister of Internal Affairs and Defense, Protective Persons of the Armed Forces and Police.

Präsidentenberater wollen geschlossen zurücktreten

Der weil erklärten ranghohe Berater des Presidents einem Mediabericht zufolge, geschlossen zurücktreten zu wollen. After information from the South Korean Nachrichtenagent you can give another example of the Chief of Staff of the Presidents who heard the national security report. Insgesamt wollen demnach zehn ranghohe Berater Yoons zurücktreten. The opposition wants to make the president himself so strong that a fight arises.

If the State Secretary has initiated an investigation into the violation of Kriegs rights, the majority of parliaments must be informed of the consequences. “Soeben hat the national provision of the Ausnahmezustandsgefordertand with the army it is possible to wage a war in the Krieg, which Yoon has brought into a fernsehansprache. „We are talking about the bits of national communication and follow-up das Kriegsrecht in een Kabinettsitzung aufheben“, it’s a hinzu.

If the United States engages in parliamentary governance in Seoul, President Yoon Suk Yeol will declare his Kriegsrechts. „Natural courts and erwarten, the gesetze and the written texts will become part of the content. Thank you for its inclusion in the national health care system,” said Vedant Patel, the spokesman for the US ministers, speaking to journalists in Washington. After the criticism of Kriegsrechts in Washington has been resolved.

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Parliament has spoken to President Yoon Suk Yeol about the Kriegsrecht legislation. If one of the service providers (Ortszeit) protects the Kammer, the Kriegsrecht lawsuit, while you live in the war. 190 of the 300 Abgeordneten were present and finally encouraged that Massnahme.

You can no longer criticize Kriegsrecht, but it is a liberal South Korea that has used the deplorables in North Korea communist Truppen“ schützen wolle.

Vorwürfe der North Korea Unterwanderung

The direction is based on the resistance of the opposition and says that Yoon is subservient in a television program Rede. Das Parlament sei An air division has arisen for the Kriminelle, a hurdle for a legislative dictatorshipthe legal and administrative system will strengthen a liberal, democratic Ordnung,” says Yoon.

Mithilfe des Kriegsrechts sollten pro-North Korean elements will be offered and a free and democratic country was restored. The US Government maintains contact between the active Empire in South Korea and the Government in Seoul. One of the national security tariffs was pronounced at the service in Washington, the US government began to “create the situation”.

There is an opposition to the Gelder for the state core that wants to end the fight against reclamation crime and the judiciary of the order of the same name and that of the judge “The environment of chaos in open security” zu purchase. “I became the country so that it would be normal, in which case I was so quick that it was possible to be free from anti-governmental forces.”

It may be that criticism of the military issue is expressed. Ermöglicht ended an intervention in the civil rights of the democratic countries. Whoever reported the amtliche nachrichtenagentur Yonhap, wurde der Going to Parliament, the National Assembly in Seoul is a matter of Soldaten blockiert.

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Parliament Speaker Woo Won Shik has put the army and police on alert, Ruhe zu bewahren. All member states of the National Assembly were found in the plenary hall of the Parliamentary Assembly. Photos from social media look hand-in-hand with soldiers and Zivillists.

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Auch aus der Regierungspartei kommt Kritik

The opposition is highly critical of the majority. Opposition Fuhrer Lee Jae Myung Bezeichnete das ausgerufene Kriegsrecht laut einem Yonhap-Message as “Verfassungswidrig” and unedited.

Criticism of the Yoons Regierung itself. The leaders of the directing party, Han Dong Hoon, review the Kriegsrecht as “false” local media reports. The man became “gemeinsam mit dem Volk stop”, said Han.

Yoon Suk Yeol continues his career in politics under Druck. This means that your body will be more corrupted and that you will have more confidence in it. The fight against the anti-partisan party with the opposition is a Haushaltsgesetz for the coming years.

South Korea is technically in North Korea End of Korea-Krieges 1953 was later in the Kriegszustandthe Konflikt with a Waffenstillstand and not with a Friedens Slowdown. Both states are one and four kilometer long military zones.

Seit Monaten has kept the tension high on the Korean Halbinsel. North Korea has been conducting a chain test in Germany for years in the United States and its Rhetorik has shifted to the US and South Korea. (Trf/dpa/AFP/Reuters)

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